Quanscient Webinar (+ Downloadable PDF summary)

Accelerating R&D with cloud-powered multiphysics simulations

Comprehensive overview of Quanscient Allsolve with step-by-step live demonstrations
   May 2, 2024 (Available on-demand)
  Dr. Abhishek Deshmukh & Jukka Knuutinen
This 45-minute webinar serves as a general introduction to Quanscient Allsolve, our cloud-based FEM multiphysics simulation software.

We demonstrate how a cloud-based simulation platform can accelerate R&D in high-technology products through faster runtimes, higher accuracy, and higher throughput.

Our speakers are the Team Lead of our Application Engineering team, Dr. Abhishek Deshmukh, and our Head of Marketing, Jukka Knuutinen.

Jukka introduces Allsolve as a comprehensive simulation solution and covers the main benefits from the business perspective, while Dr. Deshmukh presents step-by-step demonstrations highlighting the practically unlimited computational power and ease of setting up simulations.


The contents of the webinar include:

  • Introduction to Quanscient as a company 
  • How simulation tools are a bottleneck in engineering 
  • How Quanscient Allsolve offers a solution
  • Real-world case examples
  • Introduction to Joule heating demo 
  • Problem setup in the GUI (geometry, materials, and physics) 
  • Run, results, and visualization 
  • Parametric sweep setup and results 
  • Q&A 

Access the full timestamped recording and executive summary PDF containing the key details from the button below.

About the speakers



Jukka Knuutinen

Head of Marketing

Jukka has a background as a digital marketer specializing in lead acquisition through automated marketing funnels and captivating content creation — paid and organic.



Dr. Abhishek Deshmukh

Team Lead - Application Engineering

Abhishek has more than nine years of experience in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) research and software development, especially for applications in high-speed compressible flows, turbulence, multiphase flows, and combustion.